Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20 Assignments

Algebra - 3 magazines and newspapers must be brought in for the project

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Political Cartoon: Editorial cartoon about a Current Event.

Political cartoon: Current Event

Political Cartoon: Editorial cartoon about a Current Event. ( i.e. economy, healthcare, war in middle east...)

Do 3 sketches for 3 different Current Events, in     sketchbook before doing Final Drawing 
Draw a large Rectangle.  (It should take most of   the paper)
In the rectangle draw a cartoon that focuses on   a current event.  (Use Symbols to help make       your viewpoint clear)
Your caption should also clarify your viewpoint.
Use either: Satire, Caricature, Irony or   Stereotype.
Use multiple values. (If not using color, try   hatching and crosshatching)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

-Finish "School Issue" Political Cartoon

Monday, November 9, 2009

Miss D (Monday Nov 9)

I have my own blog that you can check it will be updated soon. Please turn in all Do Now Books and all Study Island Journals by the end of Tuesday. No official homework tonight, catch up on the last few days and study for the test. 

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sociology Assignment Wk 2 of SEPTA Strike

Hey Sociologists!

On November 24th your final project literature review is due. Students coming to school are getting individualized attention and resources. I encourage those that can make it into school to do so. The link below takes you to the Literature Review Assignment which needs to be completed.

Your Assignment: Continue researching and writing the literature review. If you have lost the assignment you can go to the link below to get a copy.

When the strike ends, the first day back we will have students present their subculture projects.

Link for Literature Review Assignment:


If you wish to download these directions, then go to:

Film Analysis: Key Constitutional Concepts

We will be analyzing how the U.S. Constitution is used to address conflict in society by focusing on a historical example. This historical example will center on how President Truman abused or didn't abuse the war powers after World War II to end a strike (how relevant!...does the president/mayor have the power to end a strike?,). In order to complete this lesson you will need to access a video on-line and complete the questions below in your binder. If this strike continues throughout the week, I will be asking you to send your work to me instead of waiting for me to check it when you return to school.

On-line Video: Annenberg Classroon
  1. go to
  2. select "Videos" from the menu on the left. When prompted to sign in, please become a member of this site, its free!
  3. scroll down and under the Sunnyland Classroom items is a blue link to a video called "Key Constitutional Concepts". Select that video and allow it to load on your computer (give it about 20-30 minutes to load). You want to let the entire video load because you will not be watching the entire program. There are 3 segments on this video and you are only going to watch the third segment. Go to 41 minutes, 50 seconds for our segment.
Questions to answer as you watch the video: (all questions can be answered by the video except when specified)

Summary before you begin watching: World War II is over and Vice President Truman becomes president after President Roosevelt dies. President Truman thrusts the country into another conflict in Korea in which Americans are helping the southern Koreans fight the northern Koreans. To help fight the war, President Truman needs to step in and stop a strike between the steel mill and its workers so the government can direct them to build weapons for the war. Eventually, the government takes over the mills so that production can continue. This video reviews the battle between the three branches of government and certain citizens (steel mill owners and workers) on how the separation of powers (make laws, enforce laws, and review laws) and the system of checks and balances are used to address this conflict within society. Does President Truman (executive branch) have the constitutional power to take over a private company?
  1. What are checks and balances? Visit to see if you completed the earlier assigned checks and balances worksheet.
  2. How is the separation of powers and checks and balances similar to the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors"? Play with someone. Which hand gesture is stronger? Can each hand gesture be stopped by another hand gesture?
  3. Why is the Korean War referred to technically as a conflict and not a war?
  4. Why does President Truman take over the steel mills? How does he justify this executive action?
  5. How did the Taft-Harly bill pass if the president vetoed it?
  6. What role does the Taft-Hartly bill have in this conflict between Truman and the steel mills?
  7. The owners of the steel mills sought an injunction on Truman's takeover. What is an injunction? Which branch can issue an injunction?
  8. What did Sawyer (acting on behalf of the president) do in reaction to the injunction?
  9. After hearing the case, who did the Supreme Court side with?
  10. What 3 categories did the the Supreme Court establish, under Justice Jackson's written opinion, to determine if a Presidential action was constitutional?
Exam will be administered on November 16th. This grade will count towards the 2nd marking period.

Below is the link to the review sheet.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Finish  "Amendment" advertisement and "Innovation" advertisement.

Finish all unfinished work.

Miss D's Assignments and Updates

Geometry - page 186 (2,3,4,14(must copy in your book))
                     page 179 (1-4, 6, 7, 20-23)

Study Island extended to Monday 
Do Now books must be in on Monday (for students that were out only)
Check hstutorials. net for help

Algebra - study for test, work on Study Island
                 page 127 (2- 52 all) if you did evens already do odds to email projects and assignments and questions

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Miss D's Assignments and Updates

Algebra - page 127 (20-52 even)
Geometry - page 162 (2, 11- 14) and page 169 (1,2, 3, 12-15) 

Everything is due on Friday.
If you are absent you are responsible for all missed work if you need help

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Closing of 1st marking period for Chemistry

The first marking period for Chemistry ends on Friday. I am finding that some of you have not taken the study island quizzes. You must complete all the study island assignments before the end of the school day on Friday. The assignments will not be available after 2.54 p.m on Friday (11/6/09). All incomplete and not-attempted assignments will be termed as '50'.
We will begin the new marking period from Monday.
Good luck.

Mr. Todd's Spanish 1 and 2 classes

Please visit the blogs listed below for current assignments:

Spanish 1:
Spanish 2:

White Williams Scholarship Program

"The mission of White-Williams Scholars is to inspire and support high achieving Philadelphia public high school students of limited financial means to fulfill their potential. The organization serves more than 1,500 students each year in most public high schools in the city. It supplies monthly stipends of $50 to $75 in return for Scholars maintaining A's and B's in their classes. Scholars use their stipends to pay for meals, school supplies and activities, college test and application fees, and other needs."

See Ms. Hayes for an application!

Miss D's Assignments and Updates

Algebra 1 - page 743 (7-20) section 2.6  
page 744 (2 - 36 even) section 2.7 
Geometry - page 192 (19-22)  
page 194 mixed review
Study Island due Friday 
Do Now Books due Friday 
Test Friday for Geometry classes 
Project Algebra due Friday
Extra Credit due Friday

Art History Mr. Krauss 11/4/09

Illustration Advertisement for an Amendment


1)  Create an advertisement for the constitutional amendment of  your choice.

2)Your advertisement must have a Heading.

3)Your advertisement must have an Illustrated Graphic.

4)Your advertisement must have Copy.

5)Your advertisement must have a Logo.

****  You must also utilize: multiple values, a color scheme, and multiple textures.

****  Do 3 different sketches of your advertisement in your sketchbook, before you start your final draft.


1) Heading- a title or caption of a page, chapter, etc.

2) Graphic- pictorial representation.

3) Copy- the text of a news story, advertisement, television commercial, etc.

            4) Logo- a graphic representation or symbol of a company name 

Chemistry assignments during SEPTA strike.

Dear Students,
During the SEPTA strike you will be assigned the study island lessons regularly. Please do check on them on a regular basis. You are expected to take notes on each topic in your notebook and also a quiz for 20 questions. The assignments until Friday (11/6/09) will be added to this marking period's grade.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ms. McCartney's English Classes

Please visit my blog at Look under your class' heading.

Mrs. Soto's Algebra I Students

For a listing of all assignments for the week of November 2nd, please click on my name (Mrs. Soto) on the bottom right hand side bar, then click on the link "Algebra I". The link should be underlined in blue.

Ms. Thomas's Webpage on Google Group

For assignments, sign in to the Biology Students Google Group or the A.P.E.S. Google Group, and click on the webpage. If you can't get to school, keep up using the internet! Think of this as a trial run at cyberschool... If you STILL haven't e-mailed me, do this immediately so that I can add you to the Google Group user list. My e-mail address is:
Social Studies
Historiography (Brasof/Gold)
American Studies (Ackerman/Gold)
AP US History (Madhi)
World History (Stanton)
Constitutional Law (Ackerman)
Sociology (Brasof)
National History Day 2010

Mathematics and Sciences
Algebra I- Ms. D'Agostino
Algebra I - Ms. Soto
Algebra II - Ms. Goldstein
Geometry- Mr. Carpenter
Geometry- Ms. D'Agostino
Biology- Ms. Thomas
Chemistry- Ms. Kandi
AP Enviro Sci- Ms. Thomas

ELL- Ms. Price
English 1- Ms. Melville
English 1- Ms. McCartney
English 2- Mr. Romero
English 3- Mr. Paul
English 3- Ms. McCartney
English 4- Mr. Romero
AP English- Mr. Paul
Journalism- Mr. Romero
Spanish 1& 2- Ms. Melville
Spanish 2- Mr. Todd

Art History (Krauss/Thompson)
Senior Art (Soto)
Music (Carpenter)
PhysEd/Health (Holdsworth)

Additional Services
Ms. Zamrin
Ms. Hayes
Ms. Martin
Dean Morson
Mr. Gore
Ms. Con

The U.S. Constitution Lesson (Mr. Brasof)

WEEK 2 Assignments
If you wish to download these directions, then go to:

Film Analysis: Key Constitutional Concepts

We will be analyzing how the U.S. Constitution is used to address conflict in society by focusing on a historical example. This historical example will center on how President Truman abused or didn't abuse the war powers after World War II to end a strike (how relevant!...does the president/mayor have the power to end a strike?,). In order to complete this lesson you will need to access a video on-line and complete the questions below in your binder. If this strike continues throughout the week, I will be asking you to send your work to me instead of waiting for me to check it when you return to school.

On-line Video: Annenberg Classroon
  1. go to
  2. select "Videos" from the menu on the left. When prompted to sign in, please become a member of this site, its free!
  3. scroll down and under the Sunnyland Classroom items is a blue link to a video called "Key Constitutional Concepts". Select that video and allow it to load on your computer (give it about 20-30 minutes to load). You want to let the entire video load because you will not be watching the entire program. There are 3 segments on this video and you are only going to watch the third segment. Go to 41 minutes, 50 seconds for our segment.
Questions to answer as you watch the video: (all questions can be answered by the video except when specified)

Summary before you begin watching: World War II is over and Vice President Truman becomes president after President Roosevelt dies. President Truman thrusts the country into another conflict in Korea in which Americans are helping the southern Koreans fight the northern Koreans. To help fight the war, President Truman needs to step in and stop a strike between the steel mill and its workers so the government can direct them to build weapons for the war. Eventually, the government takes over the mills so that production can continue. This video reviews the battle between the three branches of government and certain citizens (steel mill owners and workers) on how the separation of powers (make laws, enforce laws, and review laws) and the system of checks and balances are used to address this conflict within society. Does President Truman (executive branch) have the constitutional power to take over a private company?
  1. What are checks and balances? Visit to see if you completed the earlier assigned checks and balances worksheet.
  2. How is the separation of powers and checks and balances similar to the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors"? Play with someone. Which hand gesture is stronger? Can each hand gesture be stopped by another hand gesture?
  3. Why is the Korean War referred to technically as a conflict and not a war?
  4. Why does President Truman take over the steel mills? How does he justify this executive action?
  5. How did the Taft-Harly bill pass if the president vetoed it?
  6. What role does the Taft-Hartly bill have in this conflict between Truman and the steel mills?
  7. The owners of the steel mills sought an injunction on Truman's takeover. What is an injunction? Which branch can issue an injunction?
  8. What did Sawyer (acting on behalf of the president) do in reaction to the injunction?
  9. After hearing the case, who did the Supreme Court side with?
  10. What 3 categories did the the Supreme Court establish, under Justice Jackson's written opinion, to determine if a Presidential action was constitutional?
Exam will be administered on November 16th. This grade will count towards the 2nd marking period.

Below is the link to the review sheet.

Two assignments due the day SEPTA strike ends.

Go to the link below and download the Separation of Powers Worksheet and Checks and Balances Worksheet. Print and complete. No printer? Go to a public library.

Use the answers to the 20 questions the helped us to examine the U.S. Constitution to fill in both worksheets. Use your constitutions and textbook to help. If you did not bring those reference materials home than you can read the constitution at the following link:

The Worksheets

If you have any questions, please email me at

Good luck!
Mr. B

Sociology Lesson Plan

Hey Sociologists!

On November 24th your final project literature review is due. Students coming to school are getting individualized attention and resources. I encourage those that can make it into school to do so. The link below takes you to the Literature Review Assignment which needs to be completed.

Your Assignment: Continue researching and writing the literature review. If you have lost the assignment you can go to the link below to get a copy.

When the strike ends, the first day back we will have students present their subculture projects.

Link for Literature Review Assignment:

WEEK 1 Assignment
Subculture Project and Final Project
  1. Subculture Project: On our first day back we will begin presentations on CHS/Philadelphia teenage subcultures. Please expect to present the day we get back. Finish up your PowerPoint presentations and email them to
  2. Final Project: Being that November 24th is when your Literature Review is due, please continue reading studies on your selected topic. In addition, identify which sociological concepts apply to your topic of interest. Here are a few sites that list sociological concepts in addition to your textbook. For example, the study of cell phones in schools falls under the "sociology of education". I can also look at cell phones using the three major sociological perspectives we learned about in the first unit of study.
    1. List of Sociological Concepts

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Should We Change Our Start Time

Dear Parents:

Our House of Students has passed a bill to change the school's start time to 7:50 am, with the school day ending at 2:54.

The students have several reasons for wanting the day to start and end earlier, including:
  1. Easier to participate in sports and other activities after school
  2. More time for after school jobs and volunteerism
  3. Want to arrive home before dark during winter months
  4. Need to pick up younger siblings from school
Reasons against changing the time were:
  1. Need extra time in the morning to help younger siblings get to school
  2. Live far away and it takes a long time to get to school
  3. Too tired early in the morning to focus on classes
  4. Many students are already late, an earlier time would increase lateness
The faculty senate decided to table the issue without voting until we receive parent input.
Please vote on the poll below, and leave any comments or questions in the comments section or email