Our House of Students has passed a bill to change the school's start time to 7:50 am, with the school day ending at 2:54.
The students have several reasons for wanting the day to start and end earlier, including:
- Easier to participate in sports and other activities after school
- More time for after school jobs and volunteerism
- Want to arrive home before dark during winter months
- Need to pick up younger siblings from school
Reasons against changing the time were:
- Need extra time in the morning to help younger siblings get to school
- Live far away and it takes a long time to get to school
- Too tired early in the morning to focus on classes
- Many students are already late, an earlier time would increase lateness
The faculty senate decided to table the issue without voting until we receive parent input.
Please vote on the poll below, and leave any comments or questions in the comments section or email trdavidson@philasd.org